About Us

Going back to the simpler, olden days; When meals turned into large family gatherings; full of laughter, engaging conversations & deep love..When holidays were all about grandma’s speciality dishes and loads of pampering… These are the memories, we cherish at Andhra Canteen. We aim to inculcate a sense of nostalgia for the bygone era, where food was definitely the way to the heart! Andhra Canteen is inspired by recipes from moms & grand-moms of the 2 Telugu states, and of course their secrets behind making each dish so very special!


    Discover Our Restaurants

    Let’s explore some of the world’s most recognised seafood restaurants now
    A cappuccino is an Italian coffee drink which is traditionally prepared with espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam. Coffee and especially espresso makes up a very important part of the Italian gastronomic culture.

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    Meet our Meat

    Highest quality USDA Prime beef

    This cut is rich, tender, juicy, and loaded with flavor, with generous marbling throughout. Best Cooked: Medium Rare.

    Grills, Grills, Grills

    Each table at Boucherie features a bespoke gold-rimmed Shinpo grill, whose ceramic charcoal assures that your steaks can be char-grilled to perfection without producing a smokey mess.

    A friendly place that will bring together all generations

    Private eating experience